Last Man Standing

Par­tic­i­pants shoot elim­i­na­tion style at a 3‑D ani­mal tar­get in a field until only one par­tic­i­pant remains.  The dis­tance to the target(s) is unknown and range find­ers and dis­tance esti­mat­ing aids are not allowed.  The event orga­niz­ers will ini­tial­ly fund a “pot” of prize mon­ey for the shoot, which will grow from buy-ins dur­ing the shoot.  Each round, the event orga­niz­er will indi­cate what por­tion of a tar­get should be shot, then all par­tic­i­pants shoot a sin­gle arrow togeth­er in their own time at the tar­get (arrows may be dam­aged dur­ing this shoot).  Any archer’s arrow that does not meet what the event orga­niz­er has asked for is elim­i­nat­ed, but occa­sion­al­ly par­tic­i­pants that have just been elim­i­nat­ed can buy their way back in to the next round.  The mon­ey from buy-ins con­tributes to the “pot”.  After each round, arrows are col­lect­ed, the event orga­niz­er indi­cates a new por­tion of a tar­get to shoot for and the next round begins.  The last remain­ing par­tic­i­pant is award­ed the mon­ey from the “pot”.