
This shoot con­sists of two cours­es of 3‑D tar­get ani­mals shot at unmarked dis­tances from a des­ig­nat­ed stake depend­ing on shoot­ing class.  The first round usu­al­ly has mul­ti­ple time slots that are avail­able to shoot in and the final round is shot­gun start at a des­ig­nat­ed day and time. Archers are grouped with peers with­in their shoot­ing class before enter­ing the course.

Some events allow reg­is­ter­ing in an addi­tion­al class for this shoot, par­tic­i­pants desir­ing to shoot two class­es need to make sure that they com­plete the first rounds of both class­es and declare which class they intend to shoot the final round with by a cer­tain day and time.  Sec­ond class­es are shot on the oppo­site course and from a dif­fer­ent stake than the first and often require a dif­fer­ent bow or arrows to qual­i­fy with­in the avail­able class­es.

The first and final round are both required to be shot in order to qual­i­fy for an award, which are giv­en to the top places in each class at the end of the event.  Par­tic­i­pants that shot in addi­tion­al class­es also have the chance to win an addi­tion­al award for high­est cumu­la­tive score from all rounds.

Range find­ers and dis­tance esti­mat­ing aids are not allowed.