The rules for com­bined shoots (defined as a tour­na­ment in which com­pound and tra­di­tion­al class­es com­pete in the same venue) dif­fer from the stand­alone tra­di­tion­al shoots. The tra­di­tion­al only venue enables IBO to fur­ther break shoot­ing class­es down to accom­mo­date var­i­ous recurve and long­bow shoot­ing styles.

I. IBO Mem­ber­ship

An archer does not have to be an IBO mem­ber to shoot in the IBO Tra­di­tion­al Worlds. An archer must be an IBO mem­ber to com­pete in IBO Indoor World, World Qual­i­fy­ing Events, Nation­al Triple Crown, or World Cham­pi­onship, except as not­ed in E‑2 below.

II. Awards, Entry Fees

Awards are giv­en to top 3 archers in each class. Entry fees vary and are deter­mined by the event.


  1. Tar­gets
    1. Host clubs may use any 3D ani­mal as long as the tar­gets have offi­cial IBO scor­ing areas. In the IBO Tra­di­tion­al World Cham­pi­onship Rine­hart Tar­gets will be used.
    2. Tar­gets shall be set at unmarked dis­tances. Class­es will shoot the fol­low­ing stakes:
      1. White Stake: Youth, All Female Class­es, LB, SLB, SB, TH, ST, VT
      2. Orange Stake: BB, MR, MLB
    3. Care shall be tak­en when set­ting tar­gets not to angle or exces­sive­ly lean tar­gets.
  2. Scor­ing Areas
    1. For all IBO-sanc­tioned shoot­ing events, the tar­gets shall have scor­ing areas as fol­lows:
      1. An “11” ring con­sist­ing of a cir­cle cen­tered with­in the 10 ring.
      2. A “10” ring con­sist­ing of a cir­cle inside the vital area.
      3. A vital area (8‑ring) that approx­i­mates the heart, lung, and liv­er area of the ani­mal.
      4. All area out­side the 8 ring is con­sid­ered “body” (5 pts) except as explained in “e”.
      5. An arrow embed­ded in the horn of an ani­mal, not touch­ing body col­or, is a miss and scored a zero. Tar­gets with legs and hooves of a dif­fer­ent col­or than the main body will still be con­sid­ered body col­or for scor­ing a “5”.
    2. The mate­r­i­al sur­round­ing the actu­al out­line of a tar­get ani­mal will NOT be count­ed for score. (0)


  1. Shoot­ing Eti­quette
    1. At IBO Trad Worlds, every effort will be made to peer group accord­ing to class.
    2. Shoot­ing groups shall not con­sist sole­ly of friends and rel­a­tives. At least one out­sider will be added to such groups, who will also keep score when pos­si­ble. A group of friends and or rel­a­tives must be aware that good sports­man­ship requires an addi­tion­al competitor/scorekeeper be added to their group. The archers in a group of friends and or rel­a­tives are required to make range offi­cials aware of this sit­u­a­tion. Fail­ing to do so is unsports­man­like con­duct.
    3. In a group that con­tains archers shoot­ing from dif­fer­ent stakes, the archers shoot­ing from the far­ther stakes shoot first. No archer (or spec­ta­tor) shall approach a tar­get pri­or to the entire group shoot­ing.
    4. When shoot­ing, the archer must touch the appro­pri­ate stake with some part of the body. Stakes are set to chal­lenge the archer with var­i­ous shoot­ing posi­tions. Alter­ations to the ground around the shoot­ing stake, using any tools or lev­el­ing aids, nat­ur­al or oth­er­wise, are not per­mit­ted. After shoot­ing, the shoot­er should imme­di­ate­ly clear the stake for the next shoot­er.
    5. Using binoc­u­lars from the shoot­ing stake after the shot is pro­hib­it­ed.
    6. There shall be no dis­cus­sion of yardage until all arrows have been scored. Dis­cus­sion of yardage is per­mit­ted only among archers who have shot the tar­get and must be done in a man­ner to ensure that oth­er archers who have yet to shoot the tar­get will not be assist­ed.
    7. For all class­es oth­er than Bare­bow (who are allowed to string-walk), you may address the arrow with a 1/8th inch space between the nock and your index fin­ger. At full draw you must be touch­ing the nock of the arrow.
  2. Scor­ing
    1. Score­cards: At all IBO-sanc­tioned shoot­ing events, two score cards must be com­plet­ed for each archer. Score­cards must have archer’s name, address, IBO mem­ber­ship num­ber, and the IBO mem­ber­ship num­ber of each score­keep­er.
    2. Score­cards must be split between two score­keep­ers so that each score­keep­er has one card for each archer. Both score­keep­ers must agree on a score, com­pare, and punch or mark the score­cards before the arrows are pulled from the tar­get.
    3. Arrows pulled ear­ly will receive a zero. Repeat­ed vio­la­tions of this rule will result in the offend­ing archer being dis­qual­i­fied.
    4. If the two score­keep­ers for a group mis­tak­en­ly record dif­fer­ent scores, the incon­sis­tent scores must be cor­rect­ed as agreed upon by the major­i­ty of the group. The error must be cir­cled and ini­tialed by both score­keep­ers and the cor­rect score punched or oth­er­wise clear­ly marked. If agree­ment by the major­i­ty of the group is not pos­si­ble, the shoot­er will receive the low­er of the two scores.
    5. Score cards must be leg­i­ble, com­plete, and signed by the archer to be accept­ed. No score­card may be changed by a com­peti­tor or score­keep­er after sub­mit­ting it to a range offi­cial.
    6. Score­cards will be col­lect­ed at the end of each course. Each group’s score­cards must be turned in togeth­er by the entire group.
    7. Archers shall be respon­si­ble for their own score­cards. It is up to each archer to ensure that his or her score­card meets the above require­ments. Dupli­cate cards will not be issued to replace lost or dam­aged cards, except in unusu­al cir­cum­stances approved by the host and/or IBO tour­na­ment offi­cials at their sole dis­cre­tion.
    8. Host clubs shall keep score­cards for one year fol­low­ing an IBO-sanc­tioned shoot­ing event.
    9. Any attempt by an archer to know­ing­ly fal­si­fy a score, or know­ing­ly allow anoth­er to fal­si­fy the score, shall result in dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion of that archer for shoot­ing event, and that archer shall be inel­i­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate in an IBO-sanc­tioned shoot­ing event for a one (1)-year peri­od. A sus­pend­ed com­peti­tor may peti­tion the IBO Board of Direc­tors for rein­state­ment.
    10. The IBO reserves the right, in its sole dis­cre­tion, to cor­rect harm­less errors includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to, score tab­u­la­tion, lack of ini­tials or sig­na­ture, post­ing, etc. which in the opin­ion of the IBO was clear­ly not a result of an attempt­ed infla­tion of the archer’s score.
  3. Scor­ing Arrows
    1. Scores will be tab­u­lat­ed as fol­lows:
      1. 11 points: 11 ring or “X” ring cen­tered inside the 10 ring
      2. 10 points: 10 ring or heart
      3. 8 points: Vitals
      4. 5 points: Body, Hooves
      5. 0 points: Miss or arrow not touch­ing body col­or
    2. If more than one scor­ing area is vis­i­ble on a tar­get, the host orga­ni­za­tion of any IBO sanc­tioned event shall note which area shall be used at the shoot­ing stake. In the event that such a tar­get is not post­ed, scor­ing ring should be decid­ed upon by peer group pri­or to first shot.
    3. An arrow touch­ing the line of a greater scor­ing area shall be giv­en the high­er score.
    4. Arrows must stick in the tar­get in order to receive a score oth­er than a zero with the excep­tion of a pass-through, Robin­hood, or bounce-back as set out in Para­graphs (5.) (6.) and (7.) below.
    5. An arrow that pass­es through a tar­get may be scored if wit­nessed and agreed upon by the major­i­ty of archers in the group. A pass-through is an arrow pass­ing com­plete­ly through the tar­get with mate­r­i­al 360 degrees around the arrow, leav­ing a sep­a­rate entrance and exit hole. If the pass-through was wit­nessed by a mem­ber of the group oth­er than the shoot­er, and the group can­not agree, the archer may re-shoot the tar­get before the group advances to score the tar­get.
    6. All whole arrows, or par­tial arrows that are stick­ing in the tar­get shall be scored where they pen­e­trate the tar­get. An arrow embed­ded into the nock end of an arrow embed­ded in the tar­get shall be scored the same as the arrow embed­ded into the tar­get. An arrow that hits anoth­er arrow—with the arrow being struck show­ing vis­i­ble dam­age that does not stick in the tar­get shall be giv­en a score of the arrow that was struck. The major­i­ty of the group must agree that 1) a par­tic­u­lar arrow was struck, and 2) that strik­ing the arrow pre­vent­ed the arrow from stick­ing in the tar­get, or the arrow shall be scored as a miss.
    7. A bounce-back is an arrow that square­ly strikes the tar­get and bounces back toward the shoot­er. An arrow that glances off the tar­get is not con­sid­ered a bounce-back. A bounce-back may be scored if the score can be agreed upon by the major­i­ty of archers who are in the group. If a mem­ber of the group oth­er than the archer wit­ness­es the bounce-back and the group can­not agree, the archer may re-shoot the tar­get before the group advances to score the tar­get.
    8. An arrow released or dropped acci­den­tal­ly will be scored a zero unless the archer is able to retrieve it while touch­ing the stake.
    9. Any arrow inten­tion­al­ly shot into the ground or any object oth­er than the tar­get shall be con­sid­ered an act of unsports­man­like con­duct and the arrow scored a zero.
  4. Binoc­u­lars and Rangefind­ers
    1. Hand-held binoc­u­lars are allowed with­out mag­ni­fi­ca­tion lim­i­ta­tions. Rangefind­ers are not allowed. Archers should be aware of ran­dom binoc­u­lar checks.
    2. Binoc­u­lars shall not be used at the stake after the shot has been tak­en. Archers may uti­lize binoc­u­lars addi­tion­al­ly to view the tar­get while wait­ing their turn, at the shoot­ing stake before the shot, or from an on-deck area behind a group that is in the process of shoot­ing a tar­get.
  5. Equip­ment Fail­ures and Leav­ing the Course
    1. Once an archer begins shoot­ing a course, he or she must fin­ish with his or her group unless giv­en per­mis­sion to leave by a range offi­cial, or in the event of equip­ment fail­ure, his or her shoot­ing group.
    2. When pos­si­ble, in the case of inclement weath­er, a siren or oth­er warn­ing sys­tem shall be imple­ment­ed, indi­cat­ing that a poten­tial emer­gency exists and all shoot­ing and prac­tice ranges are imme­di­ate­ly closed. When this warn­ing has been sound­ed, all shoot­ing activ­i­ties must cease, and every­one should seek appro­pri­ate shel­ter. Archers shall use the utmost cau­tion to ensure the safe­ty of all per­sons involved. Archers may only resume shoot­ing activ­i­ty after being instruct­ed by the IBO, the host orga­ni­za­tion, or oth­er range offi­cials on the prop­er man­ner to re-enter the com­pe­ti­tion ranges once the emer­gency has passed and the ranges have been reopened. Due to the severe risk to one’s self or oth­er shoot­ers and/or range per­son­nel in a poten­tial emer­gency sit­u­a­tion, any attempt to cir­cum­vent these safe­ty warn­ings and con­tin­ue shoot­ing will be viewed as unsports­man­like con­duct and will be grounds for imme­di­ate dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion.
    3. Once an archer begins shoot­ing a course, he or she may not exchange equip­ment unless there is an equip­ment fail­ure as set out below.
    4. Equip­ment fail­ures must be vis­i­ble and agreed upon by the major­i­ty of the group. The pro­ce­dure for deal­ing with equip­ment fail­ures shall be as fol­lows:
      1. Score­keep­ers for the group shall write “equip­ment fail­ure” on score­card of the archer with the equip­ment fail­ure and ini­tial the score­card.
      2. Score­keep­ers will tab­u­late the archer’s score to that point and ini­tial the cards.
      3. The archer with the equip­ment fail­ure shall then cau­tious­ly pro­ceed for­ward through the course and imme­di­ate­ly noti­fy a range offi­cial.
      4. If three or more archers remain in the group, they may con­tin­ue shoot­ing. If two or few­er remain, they must join the fol­low­ing group (so long as it does not result in a group of six or more) or step aside and wait for range offi­cial before pro­ceed­ing. If range offi­cials are not read­i­ly avail­able, then the group should pro­ceed through the range to the check sta­tion.
      5. The archer will be giv­en a time by range offi­cial which the repair must be com­plet­ed.
      6. A range offi­cial will hold the archer’s score­cards until the repair is com­plet­ed and the archer is escort­ed back onto the course by a range offi­cial.
      7. Any archer leav­ing the range with­out fol­low­ing the guide­lines as set out in sec­tion (D) of this rule may be dis­qual­i­fied.
  6. Peer Groups
    1. A peer group may be made of oth­er archers shoot­ing the same class in com­pe­ti­tion.
    2. The IBO or a host club (at the state, region­al, or nation­al lev­el) may require an archer to shoot in a peer group at a par­tic­u­lar event. If an archer is reg­is­tered by the IBO or a host club in a peer group and that archer does not shoot in the group, his or her score will not be inel­i­gi­ble for Nation­al awards.
    3. Peer groups will be assigned at a check sta­tioned, at pre­de­ter­mined times, by IBO offi­cials.
  7. Tie Scores, Unsports­man­like Con­duct, and Misc.
    1. 11s will be used to break ties. The archer with the most 11s will be the win­ner. How­ev­er, if two or more archers still fin­ish with iden­ti­cal scores, the host club may declare a shoot-off. A shoot-off will con­sist of a 3‑D ani­mal set at an unknown dis­tance, with­in the lim­its of the rel­e­vant class, and an “X” shall be placed in the cen­ter of the high­est-scor­ing area. The archer whose arrow is the clos­est to the “X” will be declared the win­ner. If only one archer is present at the shoot-off, he or she will be declared the win­ner.
    2. No alco­holic bev­er­ages may be car­ried or con­sumed on any shoot­ing course, range, or prac­tice area by any­one dur­ing shoot­ing hours. If in the opin­ion of a range offi­cial, an archer who is under the influ­ence of alco­hol attempts to enter a course, range, or prac­tice area, the archer will not be allowed to shoot and will be sus­pend­ed from that com­pe­ti­tion. Repeat­ed vio­la­tions may result in a revo­ca­tion of IBO mem­ber­ship and a ban from all IBO-sanc­tioned com­pe­ti­tions.
    3. Spec­ta­tors shall not dis­tract, inter­fere with, or assist archers while on the shoot­ing course or range.
    4. Unsports­man­like con­duct will not be tol­er­at­ed. Any action con­sid­ered unsports­man­like by the host club or the IBO will be grounds for dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion and/or sus­pen­sion from mem­ber­ship. Exam­ples of unsports­man­like con­duct include, but are not lim­it­ed to, the fol­low­ing:
      1. Com­mu­ni­cat­ing to anoth­er archer the yardage of a tar­get that the oth­er archer has not yet shot.
      2. Using a cell phone on the shoot­ing range. Cell phones are only to be used when the group decides there is an emer­gency requir­ing such use. Upon enter­ing a range, all cell phones are to be switched off.
      3. Dis­obey­ing or dis­re­gard­ing the orders of a range offi­cial or shoot offi­cial.

V. Shoot­ing Class­es

Arrows and tips in all class­es must be fac­to­ry specks in col­or and iden­ti­cal in weight, length and fletch­ing. (If col­or of arrow shaft or tip is altered) the tip and shaft must be paint­ed the same col­or from tip to with­in 4 inch­es of fletch­ing. (Nor­mal wear is per­mit­ted)

  1. MEN’S
    1. Self Bow (SB)
      1. Bow — no man­made mate­r­i­al can be used on bow except string mate­r­i­al and glue. No per­for­mance enhanc­ing mate­r­i­al may back the bow (ie. Anoth­er wood, bam­boo, rawhide or sinew). Only dec­o­ra­tive mate­ri­als such as snake skins may be used.
      2. Arrow — must be wood, bam­boo or cane. A bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. The nock of the arrow may be addressed with a 1/8th in space, but the index fin­ger must touch the nock at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing are not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check or click­er may be used. Arrows shall be made of wood, bam­boo or cane and shall be iden­ti­cal in length, weight, and col­or (allowances shall be made for nor­mal wear). Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. The shelf may not be built up in a man­ner that will give the archer an advan­tage in terms of feath­er or vane clear­ance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the ris­er (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyra­mid that pro­vides clear­ance and sep­a­ra­tion from the bow ris­er. Shot from white stake. A Self Bow shot in SB class shall con­form to the fol­low­ing spec­i­fi­ca­tions:
        1. The bow­string, when the bow is strung, may only con­tact the nocks/string grooves on the tips of bow.
        2. A Self Bow shall not be backed with any per­for­mance enhanc­ing mate­r­i­al. No sinew or oth­er woods may back the bow. A one or two piece (joined in the han­dle) may be shot in Self Bow.
        3. Self Bows made from one piece of wood may be used. Snake skins or oth­er dec­o­ra­tive cloth or skins may be glued to the bow but noth­ing that will enhance per­for­mance.
        4. No sta­bi­liz­ers, coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a bow quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows.
    2. Long­bow (LB)
      1. Bow- one, or two-piece take-down at all IBO events. The bow­string, when the bow is strung, may only con­tact the nocks/tips of the bow.
      2. Arrow — must be wood, bam­boo or cane. A long­bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers, archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. You may address the arrow with a 1/8th inch space, and the index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing are not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check or click­er may be used. Arrows shall be made of wood and shall be iden­ti­cal in length, weight, and col­or (allowances shall be made for nor­mal wear). Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. The shelf may not be built up in a man­ner that will give the archer an advan­tage in terms of feath­er or vane clear­ance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the ris­er (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyra­mid that pro­vides clear­ance and sep­a­ra­tion from the bow ris­er. No sta­bi­liz­ers, coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow; except a bow quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows. Shot from the white stake.
    3. Sr. Long­bow (SLB)
      This class is for archers 60 years of age or old­er on the day of the Tra­di­tion­al World shoot. Same rules as Long­bow except may use a three-piece long­bow. Must use wood, cane or bam­boo arrows. No ILF or adjustable draw weight or limb angle allowed. Shoot from white stake.
    4. Mod­ern Long­bow (MLB)
      1. Bow-any design as long as string only touch­es string grove or bow tip. One, two, three-piece long­bows allowed. ILF, met­al ris­ers, with adjustable limb pock­ets allowed.
      2. Arrow — an arrow of any mate­r­i­al may be used. Alu­minum or car­bon arrows must have screw-in field points; wood arrows may have glue on points. All arrows must have at least three (3) feath­ers or vanes no less than four (4) inch­es long.
      3. A long­bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. You may address the nock of the arrow with a 1/8in space and the index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing are not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check will be allowed. All arrows must be the same length and weight. No sta­bi­liz­ers, coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows. Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er only. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. The shelf may not be built up in a man­ner that will give the archer an advan­tage in terms of feath­er or vane clear­ance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the ris­er (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyra­mid that pro­vides clear­ance and sep­a­ra­tion from the bow ris­er. Shot from the orange stake.
    5. Mod­ern Recurve (MR)
      1. Bow — a recurve shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. You may address the arrow with a 1/8in space and the index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing is not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check will be allowed. Ex: ILF met­al ris­er with adjustable limb pock­ets.
      2. Arrows — arrows may be made of any mate­r­i­al. All arrows must be the same length and weight. Alu­minum or car­bon arrows must have screw-in field points; wood arrows may have glue on points. All arrows must have at least 8 inch­es of fletch­ing.
      3. No coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows and a sin­gle sta­bi­liz­er no greater than 12 inch­es from point of attach­ment. Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er only. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. The shelf may not be built up in a man­ner that will give the archer an advan­tage in terms of feath­er or vane clear­ance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the ris­er (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyra­mid that pro­vides clear­ance and sep­a­ra­tion from the bow ris­er. Shot from the orange stake.
    6. Bare­bow (BB)
      1. A recurve or long­bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. A rest and plunger are all that may reside with­in the sight win­dow of the bow. A click­er is allowed but must not be mount­ed in the sight win­dow of the ris­er. There shall be NO mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. String walk­ing and face walk­ing are per­mit­ted in the BB class. Weights may be added to the low­er part of the ris­er. Weights regard­less of shape must mount direct­ly to the ris­er with­out rods, or exten­sions. No angu­lar or shock-absorb­ing devices. The unstrung bow must pass through a hole or ring 12.2cm inside diam­e­ter + or — 0.5mm. Shot from the orange stake.
      2. Arrows — All arrows shall be of the same mate­r­i­al and be of uni­form length and weight.
    7. Senior Trad (ST)
      The Senior Trad class is for archers 60 years of age or old­er on the day of the Tra­di­tion­al World shoot. Self Bow, Recurve or Long­bow. Must be shot off the shelf and all rules and reg­u­la­tions of (MR) will be fol­lowed. Shot from the white stake.
    8. Trad Hunter (TH)
      1. Bow- Recurve or long­bow, any mate­r­i­al, no ILF con­fig­u­ra­tions. Must be shot off the shelf: Shelf must be the man­u­fac­tures shelf with no build up and can be cov­ered with any mate­r­i­al no thick­er than 1/8 of an inch. Side plate must be man­u­fac­tured with no build out oth­er than strike plate mate­r­i­al no thick­er than 1/8 inch. Shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, tab or bare fin­gers. Archers may use 2 nock locat­ing devices, but only one nock­ing point. Must use the same anchor point for each shot. The index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow. No sight­ing devices or marks allowed (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) No string walk­ing or face walk­ing. No click­er of any kind allowed. No sta­bi­liz­er or weights of any kind may be used.
      2. Arrows can be of any mate­r­i­al. Must have 12in of fletch­ing. Arrow must weigh 10 grains per pound of draw weight at 28in, and be no lighter than 450 grains. Shot from the white stake.
    9. Female Long­bow (FLB)
      1. A strung bow the string can only touch the string grove of tip. Bow can be cen­ter shot. One, two, three-piece long­bows allowed. No ILF ris­ers, adjustable limb pock­ets, adjustable draw weight.
      2. Arrow- wood, bam­boo, or cane only.
      3. Long­bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. You may address the arrow with a 1/8th inch space. The index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing are not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check will be allowed. No sta­bi­liz­ers, coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows. Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er only. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. The shelf may not be built up in a man­ner that will give the archer an advan­tage in terms of feath­er or vane clear­ance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the ris­er (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyra­mid that pro­vides clear­ance and sep­a­ra­tion from the bow ris­er. Shot from the white stake.
    10. Female Mod­ern Recurve (FMR)
      1. A recurve shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. You may address the arrow with a 1/8th inch space. The index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing is not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check will be allowed. No coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows. Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er only. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. The shelf may not be built up in a man­ner that will give the archer an advan­tage in terms of feath­er or vane clear­ance. The intent is that the shelf meets the side of the ris­er (strike plate) so the built-up shelf may not be a pyra­mid that pro­vides clear­ance and sep­a­ra­tion from the bow ris­er. A sin­gle sta­bi­liz­er no longer than 12 in from point of attach­ment is allowed. Ex: ILF, met­al ris­ers, with adjustable limb pock­ets.
      2. Arrow — can be of any mate­r­i­al, fletch or point. Must be uni­form in length and weight. Shot from the white stake.
    11. Female Bare­bow (FBB)
      1. A recurve shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. A rest and plunger are all that may reside with­in the sight win­dow of the bow. A click­er is allowed but must not be mount­ed in the sight win­dow of the ris­er. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. String walk­ing and face walk­ing are per­mit­ted in the BB class.
      2. Arrows — All arrows shall be of the same mate­r­i­al and be of uni­form length and weight. Note: (FBB) will fol­low the same rules as Bare­bow. Shot from the white stake.
    12. Vin­tage Tra­di­tion­al (VT)
      1. No ILF con­fig­u­ra­tion, adjustable limb angle or adjustable draw weight allowed. Shelf and side plate can only be built up or out ¼ in, with any mate­r­i­al.
      2. Arrow must have 12 inch­es of feath­er (no plas­tic veins) and no oth­er mate­r­i­al allowed. Must be of the same weight and length. Any arrow mate­r­i­al, but iden­ti­cal in col­or. Screw in or glue on tips only. A recurve or long­bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot and the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. You may address the arrow with a 1/8th inch space and the index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing is not per­mit­ted.
      3. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string (inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check will be allowed. No sta­bi­liz­ers, coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. Shot from white stake.
    13. Female Vin­tage Tra­di­tion­al (FVT)
      will fol­low the same rules as Vin­tage Tra­di­tion­al.
    14. Youth (YU)
      Up to 16 years of age at time of tour­na­ment.
      1. A recurve or long­bow shot with fin­gers direct­ly con­tact­ing the bow­string using a glove, fin­ger tab, or bare fin­gers. Archers may use up to two (2) nock locat­ing devices, but they must use the same nock­ing point and anchor point for each shot. You may address the arrow 1/8th in from the nock, but the index fin­ger must con­tact the string in the same place for each shot. The index fin­ger must touch the nock of the arrow at full draw. Face and/or string walk­ing is not per­mit­ted. No sight­ing device of any kind may be used. There shall be no mark­ings on the bow or bow­string inten­tion­al or acci­den­tal) that could be con­strued as sight­ing marks. No type of draw check will be allowed. No sta­bi­liz­ers, coun­ter­bal­ances, or weights of any kind may be attached or built into the bow, except a quiver clear­ly designed to hold arrows. Arrows shall be shot off the hand or shelf of the ris­er only. An arrow side plate (if used) may only extend one (1) inch above the arrow. No soft mate­ri­als that will assist or affect the para­dox of the arrow may be used to build up the shelf or strike plate of the ris­er. Archers may use a hard mate­r­i­al on the shelf or on the side of the ris­er under a hair or leather strip that does not exceed 1/8″ thick­ness. Shot from the white stake.
      2. Arrow — can be of any mate­r­i­al, fletch or point type.

VI. IBO Tra­di­tion­al Worlds Addi­tion­al Events

Thanks to many ded­i­cat­ed spon­sors, the Tra­di­tion­al World Cham­pi­onships pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to hold addi­tion­al con­tests to fos­ter fel­low­ship and fun amongst all archers who par­tic­i­pate, regard­less of skill.

  1. Cham­pi­ons Show­case Shoot­down — Hunter Chal­lenge
    The Hunter Chal­lenge is a 3D course that is shot and scored like a nor­mal IBO course. Shoot­ers shoot from the same col­or stakes as with all IBO events. At the dis­cre­tion of the host club there may be a few option­al bonus tar­gets placed through­out the course. Shoot­ers will be com­pet­ing for awards with­in their respec­tive IBO class­es. At a pre­de­ter­mined cut­off time, scores will be com­piled to deter­mine the top 16 males from the orange stakes, the top 16 males from the white stakes, and the top 16 women irre­spec­tive of class. The top archers will then be brack­et­ed for head-to-head com­pe­ti­tion. Brack­et­ing will be based on the archers score so that the high­est scores shoot against the low­est scores in the first round. The head-to-head shoot down will be con­duct­ed in a loca­tion that enables spec­ta­tors’ opti­mal view­ing of the shoot. A coin toss win­ner will decide to shoot first or sec­ond in shoot­down for­mat. After the first shot, archers will alter­nate shoot­ing. Archers will then shoot 3D tar­gets head-to-head. At the end of each round half of the shoot­ers will be elim­i­nat­ed. This process will con­tin­ue until one archer is deter­mined the win­ner. If at the end of tar­get rounds two archers are tied, they will shoot an addi­tion­al tar­get with the archer shoot­ing an arrow clos­est to the cen­ter of the 11-ring being the win­ner.
  2. Mixed Team Com­pe­ti­tion
    All ladies will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to place their name on a list at reg­is­tra­tion to serve as a team cap­tain in the mixed team com­pe­ti­tion. All men desir­ing to par­tic­i­pate will place their name in a hat for an oppor­tu­ni­ty to be drawn as a team mem­ber. Team cap­tains (ladies) will draw men’s names from a hat to form 3 archer teams. Teams will then be ran­dom­ly drawn and placed in a brack­et for head-to-head com­pe­ti­tion shot in a loca­tion that will pro­vide opti­mal view­ing for spec­ta­tors. All 6 archers (two teams) will shoot an arrow from the same des­ig­nat­ed stake at their tar­get before scor­ing. Tar­gets will be shot and the high­est scor­ing team will advance to the next round. Stan­dard IBO scor­ing will be used and the archers will shoot the equip­ment they legal­ly shoot in their indi­vid­ual IBO round. In the event of a tie, the women team cap­tains will shoot one arrow with the clos­est to the cen­ter of the 11-ring declared the win­ner. The idea of the mixed team com­pe­ti­tion is to meet new peo­ple, bring­ing archers togeth­er in a fun, col­le­gial, yet com­pet­i­tive man­ner.
  3. Self Bow Shoot Out
    Bring a self bow and enter this fun, com­pet­i­tive event. The com­pe­ti­tion is for any­one who brings a self bow and wants to show their skill amongst the broth­er­hood of the best self bow shoot­ers in the world. Brag­ging rights for the self bow bowyer to be had. Build ’em, bring ’em, and shoot ’em for cash.
  4. Last Man Stand­ing
    A fun event for any archer that wants to enter. Pre­de­ter­mined shots will be announced by the emcee. Shots are made by the archer to con­tin­ue on in the com­pe­ti­tion. Should you miss, you may pay your way back in and con­tin­ue on in the com­pe­ti­tion. Cash and awards giv­en along the way, so any­one can win. Only one archer will remain to win the cov­et­ed award of “The Last Man Stand­ing.”
  5. Bow Up 4 Bucks
    This is a skills game that test your mental/archery prowess. Bring your bow and fol­low the emcee instruc­tions. You make the shot you stay in the game. Along the way you may miss the called shot & be out of the game but could pos­si­bly win “BUCK$”.
  6. Kids Shoot
    Any kid under 14y/o may shoot the Kid’s Extrav­a­gan­za. A pre­de­ter­mined time will be announced and kids bring your bows. Begin­ners wel­come. Prizes to all par­tic­i­pants.